The most common types of supercharging based on design. This includes supercharger types like Roots, Centrifugal as well as turbos and chemical systems like nitrous oxide.

A centrifugal supercharger uses centrifugal force to push more air into the engine.

Centrifugal Turbo
Also Known As: Turbocharger, Turbo, Turbosupercharger, Radial Compressor, Radial Flow
A Turbo (AKA Turbocharger or Superturbocharger) is a forced induction pump that uses exhaust gases to drive a turbine and compressor to force more air into the combustion chamber.

Also Known As: e-charger, e-supercharger, electric charger, electric turbo, e-turbo, booster
Various supercharger types driven by electric motors.

Also Known As: Blower
A Roots blower draws air in using outward spinning rotors that pump the added air to the engine.

Also Known As: Lysholm, Rotary Screw, Twin Screw
A Twin Screw supercharger, like a Roots blower, draws air in with spinning rotors but is designed to compress air unlike the Roots system.

Also Known As: G-Lader, Spiral
The Scroll supercharger uses two scrolls, one fixed the other moving, that draws air from the open end of the spiral and compresses the air as it moves to the center spiral.

Also Known As: Rotary Vane, Sliding Vane
The rotary vane blower draws air in and compresses it between the blades before delivering it to the engine.